Thursday, February 7, 2008

Grammar issues

This is my new Grammar clinic blog where you can find answers to your grammar questions and also revise the various tenses in the English Language.Hope you find it useful.

Today we are gonna have a look at the difference between ”must” and “have to


Basically,”must” is an internal obligation that is felt by the person who is talking.It is a bit like saying,” I feel it is necessary to do X”

  • I must stop smoking”, which means “I feel it is necessary to stop because it’s bad for my health”.

Have to/ have got to

On the other hand,”have to, have got to” is an external obligation that comes from another person or an authority. It can also be related to a law, a rule or an agreement. Let’s look at some examples:

  • “You have to stop smoking” this is what the doctor told me to do.
  • “You have got to leave the library now”, which means “the rule says you have to leave now.”

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